10 Ways To Raise Your Standards In Sales

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain

When I was 21 years old, I worked on Wall Street and thought I was on top of the world. I made six figures, rented out a nice place in the Financial District, and wore expensive suits. I also felt like I finally fit in with the rest of the big shots. Not a bad life for a 21-year-old college dropout.

But I always strived for more. I just couldn’t seem to figure out how to get it. Nothing I tried had worked.

Was it complacency? I didn’t think so. I was working pretty hard. Were my goals not big enough? Was I just pre-determined to stay at my happy little level and just be okay with it?

I was stuck in a rut, and I knew it.

So one day, I just told myself, “This is not okay.” And that was it.

Without even realizing what I had done, I started raising my standards across all aspects of my life.

And let me tell you, once you start, it’ll be one of the most fulfilling things you do, and not just for your sales career. 

So without further ado, let me give you ten tips you can start using right now to raise your standards, start living a more fulfilled life, and truly elevate your sales career.

closing a big deal

4 Ways To Raise Your Standards In Sales

1. Constantly Challenge Yourself To Improve On Your Best

What do I mean by that? If you made 5 sales in one month, go for 6 next month. If your biggest commission check was $10k, then go for $11k. Once you hit $11k, then aim for $12k. Set short-term attainable targets, and set them clearly. The next thing you know, it’ll be two years down the road, and now you’re challenging yourself to go from 15 sales in a month to 16. And if you made six sales that month, you’d be disappointed and consider it a slow month.

Now let me give you a quick warning about setting your targets. Thinking bigger is great, and you should be doing it anyway. But when it comes time to set shorter-term goals, constantly setting sky-in-the-pie goals can absolutely demoralize and crush your spirits. If your goals are sky-high and nearly impossible to attain, you’ll be in a constant state of despair and misery.

Think big for the long-term, but set short-term attainable goals.

2. Surround Yourself With Other Positive-Minded, Big-Thinkers.

Those who want to raise their standards and start living a more fulfilled life surround themselves with other “big-thinkers.”

Whenever I would meet people who seemed complacent, unenthusiastic, and not motivated about work, they just didn’t sit right with me. If you see others around you acting the same way about their career, or life in general, it’s time to distance yourself and find those that will help raise your standards.

It’s been said that you are the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose wisely.

3. Stop Making Excuses

This is huge. If you want to raise your standards, you can’t be making excuses for yourself or others.

Excuses will hold you back every time, and then some. Stop making them, for yourself and for others.

Not making sales because your leads suck? Figure out a way to get better leads.

Can’t make it to the office because your car broke down? Figure out a way to get in.

Having a slow month because it’s the Holidays? Figure out a way to use it to your advantage.

Basically, what excuses come down to is a lack of resourcefulness (not resources).

4. Get Rid Of Your Negative Mindset About Sales & Money

The moment you let go of your old limiting mindset about money is the moment you’ll start to see opportunities everywhere.

You have to open your mind and stop believing that there are limits to how much money you can make or deserve.

You have to give yourself permission to let go of your old, limiting paradigms that say you can’t have this or do that. If others have a certain level of wealth that you desire, it’s not because they deserve it more or you deserve it less. It’s a matter of figuring out how to get there, NOT an issue of if you deserve it or not.

This is the only way you’ll truly allow yourself to start thinking bigger and open up your mind to opportunities everywhere.

dress for success

6 Ways To Raise Your Standards In Life (That will also help your sales career)

1. Start Working Out At Least Three Times A Week

This is why the majority of salespeople get stuck at their current income level – they simply don’t take care of themselves. Being fit and healthy not only raises your energy levels, which helps you perform better in life (and work), but it also gives you more confidence! And if you don’t believe me, just watch one of the old Rocky movies.

2. Wake Up Earlier

I don’t care how much you like sleeping in; if you want to raise your standards in life and sales, you’re going to have to start waking up earlier! This will give you more time to get ready for the day and allow you to get more done before the daily hustle of your job begins.

3. Stop Doing Things That Make You Unhappy

I know this probably sounds like standard self-help mumbo-jumbo, but if you’re constantly doing things that make you unhappy – stop it. No, seriously. What’s the point of that? Life is too short to spend it doing things that don’t make you happy.

4. Be More Generous With Your Time

Your time is valuable! It’s a limited resource that we’re all running out of – so why waste it on people who don’t matter? Spend your time on the people who you care about and who care about you. Be more generous with your time, it will make you happier!

5. Start Doing Things That You’ve Always Wanted To Do

The moment you stop living for other people and start living for yourself is the moment you’ll become a whole lot happier! Stop worrying about what others think, and do whatever makes you happy. If you have hobbies you’ve always wanted to cultivate outside of work, then do it.

6. Stop Being Negative About Yourself & Others

Don’t be that person who is always complaining about everything – it makes you look petty and sad. Cheer up! Life isn’t perfect, but it’s still pretty good. Smile more often, breathe deep, smell the roses. And don’t be afraid to compliment others too.


So there they are – my top ten ways to raise your standards in sales (and life). This month, I promise great things will happen if you make some of these changes. It’s a conscious choice to live differently, so make the decision today to change!

David Martirosian

David Martirosian

I started my career at the age of 18 in sales. Fifteen years later, I've sold over $500mm worth of deals and closed thousands of accounts, strictly from cold calling. For me, closing deals isn't just another dollar sign. It's about putting a smile on the face of everyone I interact with.

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