does working hard mean you'll be lonely

Does Working Hard Mean You’ll Be Lonely?

Working extremely hard in any industry will separate you from everyone else. It’s a lonely existence, often filled with anxiety and doubt, but it’s also the only way to achieve true greatness.

The path to success is not an easy one. It requires years of dedication and hard work. And even then, there’s no guarantee that you’ll make it to the top. But anything is possible if you’re willing to put in the effort.

So does working hard mean you’ll be lonely?

Of course, this level of commitment comes with a price. When you’re working so hard, you don’t have much time for anything else. Friends and family take a backseat to your career, social outings are few and far between, and dating is practically non-existent.

Working extremely hard can definitely lead to moments of feeling lonely.

What Does It Mean To Work Extremely Hard?

Working extremely hard means giving your all to your career and or goals. It means working outside of office hours, sacrificing nights out, weekends with friends, and even time with family.

Instead, you use this time to further your skills, learn new things, and do anything it takes for you to progress in your career. It’s constantly hustling, grinding, trying to get ahead, and everything else takes a backseat to your objective.

This level of dedication can be difficult to maintain, but it’s often necessary to achieve very high levels of success.

Does working hard mean you’ll be lonely? Yes, you’ll absolutely have moments of loneliness, but when properly executed, you’ll stand victorious, having reached your goals.

If you’re unwilling to put in the extra effort, you’ll likely never reach your full potential.

There’s nothing wrong with working hard. It’s necessary if you want to achieve great things, but it’s also imperative to maintain a healthy balance which we’ll discuss later.

Four Emotions To Expect When Working Hard

Everyone deals with and handles emotions differently, but here are a few emotions to expect when working extremely hard to achieve your goals:

1) Feelings of anxiety.

You’ll question yourself if you’re working hard enough and, most of all, will the extra work you put in pay off. This is all part of the process, and it’s important to push through these feelings.

2) Feelings of doubt.

There will be times when you feel like giving up like you can’t do it anymore. These are the times when you need to be extra careful and make sure you’re not burning yourself out.

3) Feelings of isolation.

When you’re putting in long hours and not seeing much daylight, it’s easy to feel isolated from the rest of the world. This is where having a solid support system is important.

4) F.O.M.O Fear Of Missing Out.

Your friends will invite you to parties and vacations, and most of the time, you won’t be able to because you’re working, trying to get ahead. Remind yourself that once you hit your goals, you will have all the freedom you want, and your actions will pay off.

Four Ways To Avoid Feeling Lonely When Working Hard

  1. Make sure you have a strong support system. These could be mentors, role models, friends, family, or co-workers. You can rely on these people when things get tough and who will understand what you’re going through.
  2. Join or create a community of like-minded individuals. There’s nothing better than being around people going through the same thing as you. You can share tips, advice, and support each other.
  3. Take breaks and vacations. It’s important to unplug and recharge every once in a while. This will help you avoid burnout and maintain your sanity.
  4. Have hobbies outside of work. It’s important to have things in your life that you’re passionate about outside of work. This could be anything from sports to music, cooking, etc. Doing something you enjoy will help you feel fulfilled and help you avoid feeling lonely.

Working hard is essential for achieving great things, but it’s also important to maintain a healthy balance. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself both mentally and physically.

Pros of Working Extremely Hard

Does working hard mean you’ll be lonely? Yes, you may feel that way for the moment, but many advantages will pay off.

  • Promotion, higher pay, and other great opportunities often come to those who do the extra work.
  • Huge confidence boost and your chances of achieving your wildest goals and dreams go up significantly.
  • You learn a lot about yourself when you’re constantly pushing your limits.
  • You develop mental toughness and discipline, which will help you in all areas of your life.
  • You have greater accomplishment and satisfaction once you reach your goals.
  • You’ll be able to take advantage of opportunities that come your way.
  • You’ll be respected and looked up to by others.

Cons of Working Extremely Hard

  • You can miss out on important events with friends and family.
  • You can quickly become overwhelmed and stressed out.
  • You may develop health problems if you don’t take good care of yourself.
  • You can become a workaholic, and it can take over your life.
  • You may neglect your personal relationships.

Tips To Avoid The Disadvantages Of Working Hard

  • Take a getaway. This will help you stay motivated and sustain your inner beast.
  • Recharge by doing whatever makes you happy. This prevents you from burning out and helps maintain your sanity.
  • Sustain a close relationship with friends, family, or a mentor that understands your daily grind.
  • Work out consistently and eat healthily. This gives you the necessary energy it takes to fight through every day. Take care of yourself both mentally and physically.

Don’t forget to enjoy the process and have fun. Working hard is essential for achieving great things, but it’s important to maintain a healthy balance. You don’t want to miss important aspects of your life or burn yourself out.

Use these tips to help you avoid the negative aspects of working hard to enjoy the process and reap the rewards.


Does working hard mean you’ll be lonely? You will have overwhelming feelings of loneliness but realize that its part of the process it takes to reach extremely high levels of success.

You will achieve your goals with a well-planned strategy and a healthy diet.

You will find that you feel more fulfilled and have a greater sense of accomplishment when you finally reach your goals. The process may be difficult, but it is worth it in the end.

Jonathan Miller

Jonathan Miller

I've worked with Wall Street firms for nearly 15 years, giving sales presentations and selling products to business owners worldwide. I played college football at Temple University and when my dreams of playing professionally fell short, sales became my NFL. I'm here to share every single thing I've learned in sales to help you become a big time closer.

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