cold calling for jobs

Cold Calling For Jobs

Cold calling is used for so much more than just making sales. Many people don’t realize the importance of cold calling when it comes to finding a job. It’s one of the most effective ways to get your foot in the door and potentially land an interview.

When done effectively, cold calling for jobs will help increase your chances of getting hired faster than hoping and praying for a company to return your email or call you back after submitting a resume.

The point in cold calling for a job is to get in touch with the hiring manager or decision-maker directly. This way, you can introduce yourself, explain why you’re interested in the position, and try to set up an interview.

Here’s a step-by-step process to follow when cold calling for jobs.

Step-By-Step Process To Cold Call For Jobs

Before following these steps, have an updated resume prepared in case you’re asked to send one immediately.

Do your research.

You can’t start randomly calling companies and hope to get lucky. You need to do your research first and target specific companies you’re interested in. This will help you sound more knowledgeable and sincere when you make the call.

Research the person you’ll be speaking to.

Try to find their contact information and LinkedIn profile. This will help you personalize your conversation.

Prepare a script.

You must have a script. This doesn’t mean memorizing an entire speech, but having an idea of what you want to say will help the conversation flow more smoothly.

Make the call.

When ready, pick up the phone and dial the company’s main number. Once you’re transferred to the right person, introduce yourself and explain why you’re calling.

Ask for an interview.

If the conversation is going well, take the opportunity to ask for an interview. If they cannot meet with you, ask to schedule a time for a future call.

Follow up.

Be sure to follow up after your call with an email. Thank them for their time and reiterate your interest in the position.

Cold calling for jobs can be daunting, but it’s a necessary skill to have if you want to find a job fast. By following these steps and preparing ahead of time, you’ll be one step closer to landing your dream job.

Eight Additional Tips For Cold Calling For Jobs

If you’re new to cold calling and feel you need a few in-depth cold calling tips, that’s fine. Here are a few basic tips to follow when cold calling for jobs.

1. Be prepared for rejection. It’s not personal, so don’t take it too hard.

2. Use a positive and enthusiastic tone.

3. Smile! It will come through in your voice and make you sound more likable.

4. Keep the conversation brief but long enough for you to express your high interest in the job.

5. Focus on how you can help the company, not what you want from them.

6. Be prepared to answer common interview questions.

7. Have a list of questions to ask the interviewer.

8. Send a thank-you note or email after the call.

Six Best Cold Calling Scripts For Jobs

1. Hi, my name is ________ and I’m interested in the ________ position at your company.

2. I was recently researching companies in the area and came across your company and thought it would be a perfect fit for me.

3. I saw that you’re hiring for a ________ position and wanted to inquire about it.

4. I’m a ________ and have been interested in working for your company for a while. I wanted to see if there were any open positions or if you would be interested in my qualifications.

5. Hi, my name is ________, and I saw on LinkedIn that you’re the hiring manager for the ________ position. I wanted to reach out and see if you’re still looking for candidates.

6. Hi, my name is ________, and I saw on your website that you’re hiring for a ________ position. I’m actually in the process of relocating to the area, and I’m interested in applying for the position. I wanted to see if you’re still looking for candidates or if the position has been filled.

When To Follow Up Once Cold Calling For Jobs

Unless you’re told to stop, never think you’re calling too much. Look at it this way, if you were an employer, wouldn’t you love to hire someone who is extremely eager to work for your company?

Of course, you would. You’d probably hire the person who called you one million times vs. the person who sat back and waited for your call.

When cold calling for jobs, you should always follow up with the employer until you get a definite answer.

Be sure to follow up once weekly until you get an answer on what to do next. Some employers might take a while to get back to you, and that’s okay. Just make sure you’re following up promptly.

Five Follow-Up Scripts

1. Hello, this is ______ we spoke recently in regards to the ______ position. I’m just calling to follow up and see if there’s anything else I can send over to help with your decision.

2. Hi, this is ______. I applied for the _____ position, and I wanted to follow up and see if you’ve had a chance to review my qualifications and if there are any positions available. Thank you!

3. Hi _____, this is ______. We spoke last week in regards to the _____ position. I wanted to follow up and see if you had any other questions for me or if there was anything else I could send over.

4. Hello _____, this is ______. I applied for the _____ position, and I wanted to follow up and see if you’ve had a chance to review my qualifications. I’m eager to work for your company and would love the opportunity to speak with you further about the position.

5. Hello, _____ this is ______ calling again in regards to the _____ position. I wanted to touch base and see if there were any updates on the position or if you’ve had a chance to review my qualifications. Thank you


Cold calling for jobs is the fastest way to get hired. If you are only sending out your resume emails, consider adding cold calling to your arsenal.

Yes, it is a numbers game, but if you follow the above steps and have a great script, you will increase your chances of getting hired.

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