how to increase sales with an existing customer

How To Increase Sales With An Existing Customer

Learning how to increase sales with an existing customer is critical because as soon as you couple that with making new consistent sales, you will be unstoppable, and your business and income will grow to astronomical levels.

One main important factor you must work on to increase sales with an existing customer is building trust and a solid relationship.

It’s very cliche when you’re told relationship building is everything in sales, but it couldn’t be more accurate.

Let’s quickly go over what it takes to build a relationship in sales, and you will see how this translates to increased sales with existing customers nearly effortlessly.

Building Relationships With Existing Customers

Building solid relationships with existing customers is the core of increasing sales because if they don’t trust you, they will never buy from you again, no matter how low your prices are or how great your product is.

The best way to build relationships and increase sales is by providing an exceptional experience that goes above and beyond what the customer expects.

If you want to know how to increase sales with an existing customer, begin by telling them your main goal is to build a strong relationship with them.

The best and fastest way to make this happen is to speak with them often, not only when you’re looking for a sale. A simple, quick phone call with a client at least once per week, updating them on your service, or simply saying hello building rapport, creates familiarity and a solid relationship over time.

They will feel like you value them and their business which you should. This will lead to more business from them in the long run.

Be genuine, honest, and authentic with your customers at all times. Make sure you are always trying to provide value, whether giving them industry news, providing discounts, or sending them helpful articles.

Now that we have gone over the most important aspect of increasing sales with an existing customer, here are the twelve following steps.

Twelve Ways To Increase Sales With An Existing Customer

Understand Their Objectives.

This can be done by constantly communicating with them and asking questions. You need to find out what they are looking for in a product or service and then see how you can provide that for them.

Providing Excellent Customer Service.

This means responding to their needs and inquiries, providing accurate information, and promptly fulfilling orders. Customers will only spend their money with a service that values them and their time.

Build Rapport With Them.

Similar to what we mentioned in the previous topic, keep in touch with them regularly, even if you don’t have anything new to sell them. A quick phone call or email to check in shows that you care about them and their business.


This is when you offer them products or services that complement what they have already purchased from you. For example, if they bought a winter coat from you, you could sell them gloves, a scarf, and a hat to complete the look.


Offer them an upgraded version of what they have already purchased. For example, if they bought a basic cell phone from you, you could up-sell them by offering them a smartphone with more features.

Bundle Products Or Services Together.

Offer a group of products or services at a discounted rate. This is an excellent way to increase sales because it allows the customer to save money while also getting more value.

Create a Loyalty Program.

Reward your customers for loyalty by giving them points, discounts, or freebies. This will incentivize them to continue doing business with you and increase the likelihood of them referring you to others.

Offer Discounts Or Coupons.

Who doesn’t love a good deal? Just make sure not to overdo it, as this can devalue your product or service.

Host A Contest Or Giveaway.

Hosting a contest or giveaway is an excellent way to increase engagement and get people talking about your brand. Make sure the prize is something your target market would be interested in.

Get Reviews And Testimonials.

Customer reviews and testimonials prove that your product or service is worth buying. Make it easy for customers to leave reviews by including links on your website and social media pages.

Create Urgency And Scarcity.

There are many ways to create urgency in sales. When you have a deal or a new product, let your customers know about it immediately. Use words like “limited time only” or “while supplies last” to create a sense of urgency, and it will help encourage them to buy now.

Make It Easy For Them To Buy.

The easier you make it for your customers to purchase from you, the more likely they will do so. This means having a user-friendly website, a straightforward checkout process, and easy-to-find contact information.

Partner With Other Businesses

Forming partnerships with other businesses in your industry is a great way to increase sales. You can cross-promote each other’s products or services, which will help you reach a wider audience.

Push When Necessary

When learning how to increase sales with an existing customer, the massive benefit of building a solid relationship is that they can learn to trust and rely on you. When you strongly believe in a product, and a customer is reluctant to buy, give them that necessary push as to why they must buy. Since you have a strong relationship, they will know you have their best interest at heart.

Don’t be afraid to give your opinion and persuade when appropriate! Following these tips will help you increase sales with your existing customers and turn one-time buyers into lifelong fans.


There you have it! These are just a few ways showing how to increase sales with your existing customers.

To make this work most effectively, put your best effort into building a solid relationship with your customers because it will make all of the following steps nearly effortless.

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