
The Objection Close

The Objection Close is a great way to handle objections before the client/prospect has a chance to state one. This very effective technique will allow you to overcome basic sales objections before they ever happen and make a large number of sales.

What Is An Objection Close?

The objection close is a pre-emptive strike against common objections that may come up during a sales conversation. It’s a way to address objections before they ever have a chance to be stated.

In other words, after discussing a product, you would ask the prospect/client what they think or what concerns they have before you continue.

For example, a common objection to buying a product is “I don’t have the money.” By using an objection close, you can address this before it ever becomes an issue. You might say something like, “I understand that you may be concerned about the cost. Let me reassure you that we offer financing options that make it very affordable.”

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When To Use An Objection Close

  • After you’ve presented the product or service
  • After you’ve answered a question
  • Before you move on to the next step in the process

The objection close can be used at any point during a sales conversation. However, it’s most effective when used after you’ve presented the product or service and before you move on to the next step in the process.

For example, let’s say you’re selling a new car. After you’ve gone over all the features and benefits, you would use an objection close. You might say, “Now that you’ve had a chance to learn about the car, do you have any questions or concerns?”

This gives the prospect a chance to voice any objections they may have before you move on.

How To Use An Objection Close

  • After you’ve presented the product or service, ask the prospect if they have any questions or concerns.
  • If they have questions or concerns, address them directly and head-on. If you don’t do this, the chances of you making the sale will decrease dramatically.
  • If they don’t have any questions or concerns, you can move on to the next step in the process.

By asking the prospect if they have any questions or concerns, you’re giving them a chance to voice any objections they may have, and by addressing those objections directly, you’re increasing the chances of making the sale.

Why Use The Objection Close

Clients and prospects will always have questions and concerns about a product that’s presented to them. Their concerns do not mean they won’t move forward with the deal, but if you do not address them, they will simply not buy.

Almost all objections come from the sales reps not explaining the prospect’s main worry.

Every salesperson has been through this before. They give a great presentation, follow up a few days later for the prospect’s decision, and tell you they can’t move forward with the deal now, and you never hear from them again.

A lot of times, the reason they didn’t buy was that they didn’t know the answer to a simple problem that was not addressed.

By using an Objection Close, this is your time to talk less and listen more to win big in sales. It allows you to find out what is holding them back and fix the problem before it becomes an issue.

The objection close is a powerful sales tool that can help you increase your close rate and win more business. Using it gives the prospect a chance to voice their concerns, and you’re increasing the chances of making the sale.

When To Avoid Using The Objection Close

The objection close is not a magic bullet that will solve all your sales problems. There are certain situations where it won’t work.

Not every prospect will buy, and that’s fine. But never assume that until they actually say it. And even if they do, continue to use your proper rebuttals accordingly.

Some objections are not worth the time and effort to overcome. If the objection is “valid,” and you can’t fix it, then move on.

Benefits Of The Objection Close

Some of the benefits of using an objection close are:

  • It allows you to address the prospect’s concerns directly and increases the chances of making the sale.
  • It shows the prospect that you’re interested in their concerns and willing to work with them to find a solution.
  • It allows you to build rapport with the prospect and develop a relationship of trust.
  • It can help you overcome objections that may have otherwise been deal-breakers.

This will help you increase your closing rate and win more business. Using The Objection Close is one of the best ways to raise your standards in sales.

Ten Best Objection Closing Techniques and Questions

1. “What specifically concerns you about X?”

2. “Is there anything else that’s holding you back?”

3. “What would it take to move forward?”

4. “What do you think is a fair price for this?”

5. “How soon were you looking to make a decision?”

6. “What other options have you considered?”

7. “How does this compare to your current situation?”

8. “What would the ideal solution look like for you?”

9. “If I could wave a magic wand and give you the perfect solution, what would that be?”

10. “What’s your biggest concern with this?”

With these questions, you will be able to unearth what is holding them back, and fix the problem before it becomes an issue. If you can address their concerns directly, you’re increasing the chances of making the sale.

Example Scripts With Objection Close

1. “I understand that you’re concerned about the price. Can you tell me more about that?”

2. “It sounds like you’re not sure if this is the right solution for you. Tell me more about what you think?”

3. “I know that you’re worried about making a decision right now. What’s an ideal decision for you?”

4. “I understand that you’re not sure if this is the right time for you. In a perfect world, how would this work out for you?”

5. “I know that you’re considering other options. What are they exactly?”

6. “Is there anything else that’s holding you back from making a decision today?”

These Objection Closes are perfect to use because they will give you a chance to clarify everything that your prospect/client needs to know in order to move forward with a sale.


The Objection Close is a powerful sales tool that can help you increase your close rate and win more business. Using it gives the prospect a chance to voice their concerns, and you’re increasing the chances of making the sale. Use it wisely, and you’ll be able to overcome objections that may have otherwise been deal-breakers.

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