ten best podcasts for salespeople in 2022

Ten Best Podcasts For Salespeople In 2022

Finding and sustaining high levels of motivation is critical for making consistent sales. Whether it’s motivation from colleagues, watching movies, or digging deep within yourself, it’s essential to progress in sales.

Podcasts have been a new wave over the last few years that’s taken the world by storm, and it’s also a unique and valuable source to gain motivation from.

We’ll list and discuss the ten best podcasts for salespeople in 2022 that can be used to help build confidence in sales and skyrocket your business to the next level. Before we begin, and for those who may not be familiar, what exactly is a podcast?

What Is A Podcast?

In simple terms, a podcast can be made in either the form of a video or audio in which a person or group of people discuss various topics. This can be done through interviews, storytelling, or just general discussions.

Podcasts are a great way to listen and learn while on the go, such as during your morning commute. They’re also convenient because you can listen while doing other tasks such as cooking dinner or working out at the gym.

Now that we know a little more about podcasts in general let’s get into the ten best podcasts for salespeople in 2022.

Ten Best Podcasts For Salespeople In 2022

The best podcasts for salespeople are the ones that provide new and actionable information that can help you improve your selling skills.

We’ve compiled a list of the ten best podcasts for salespeople that we believe will help you close more deals and grow your business in 2022.

1) The Big Time Closer Podcast

The Big Time Closer Podcast is hosted by none other than yours truly (Jonathan) and my partner Dave. We discuss topics from how to stay motivated in sales, dealing with particular sales problems and solutions, and different strategies to help skyrocket sales.

This knowledge comes from a collective thirty years of experience working with Wall Street firms and selling over 500 million dollars worth of products to business owners worldwide.

2) Ask Gary Vee Show

Gary Vaynerchuk hosts the Ask Gary Vee Show. In this podcast, he answers different questions from entrepreneurs, salespeople, and more about various topics such as social media, productivity, and business growth.

3) The Salesman Podcast

Will Barron hosts the Salesman Podcast. You can listen to new episodes weekly as he focuses on different skills that will help you become a successful salesperson.

This isn’t your typical sales podcast, as it focuses on the mindset, skill set, and toolset required to be a successful salesperson.

4) The Wolf’s Den

The Wolf’s Den is hosted by Jordan Belfort, also known as the real-life Wolf of Wall Street. In this podcast, he gives his Wall Street experience as a stockbroker as he interviews other successful entrepreneurs and salespeople to find out their keys to success.

5) The Sales Evangelist

Donald Kelly hosts the Sales Evangelist podcast. He believes all sales reps should earn six figures or more and focuses on helping sales professionals improve their skill sets to close more deals.

6) B2B Growth Show

James Carbary and Jonathan Green host B2B Growth Show. They focus on helping B2B sales, sales leadership, and support marketing professionals grow their businesses.

This podcast features interviews with CEOs, vice presidents, marketing directors, and more who share their stories and lessons learned to help listeners improve their businesses.

7) Sell Or Die

Sell or Die is hosted by Jeffrey Gitomer and Jennifer Gluckow. In this podcast, they focus on helping listeners improve their selling skills by providing different actionable tips and strategies.

8) Sales Hacker Podcast

The Sales Hacker Podcast is hosted by Sam Jacobs and features different experts who discuss various topics such as artificial intelligence in sales, how to increase win rates, and the future of selling.

9) Cracking The Code

Cracking The Code is hosted by Sudhir Ispahani and features interviews demonstrating the importance of leadership, innovation in technology, and various market trends.

10) Sales Gravy Podcast

The Sales Gravy Podcast is hosted by Jeb Blount and features different sales experts who discuss various topics such as time management, goal setting, and improving your sales process.

How Often Should You Listen To Sales Podcasts?

As a sales rep, it’s important to add the ten best podcasts for salespeople in 2022 to your list of things that motivate you. However, you don’t want to get so caught up in listening to podcasts that you’re not actually working or burn yourself out with constantly thinking about business.

It’s great to listen to them in the morning while you’re getting ready and throughout your day. At night, it’s great to wind down by not listening to anything regarding work or sales so your mind can settle and relax.

To get the most out of these sales podcasts, we recommend setting aside about 30 minutes to an hour each day to listen to them.


These are the ten best podcasts for salespeople in 2022. By listening to these podcasts, you will improve your selling skills and knowledge in various areas of the sales industry.

Set aside sometime each day to listen to them so you can get the most out of it.

By following these tips, you will be sure to set yourself up for success in sales and become a master closer!

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